Integrative Yoga
Our class uses an integral yoga approach, meaning we approach the work with equal emphasis on each of the aspects of a person: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. At each class we practice postures, yoga breathing techniques, and meditation techniques. Class lasts for 90 minutes.
We have discussions each week about how the rich tradition of yoga philosophy informs us on what we can do to promote our health and well being as well as cope with illness and obstacles we encounter that keep us from optimal health.
We then practice the techniques that are prescribed for all aspects of our being: asanas for the physical body, pranayama for the emotional body, meditation for the mental body, the use of sound for the intellectual body, and service and study for the spiritual body.
Several texts and resources are used for the class. Dr. David Grimshaw, being both a physician and a teacher and practitioner of yoga, uses his knowledge from both traditions to guide the class.
Peoples Yoga
www.babajiskriyayoga.net (Ashram)
(Little Blue book of postures, Deepening Your Practice, and The Sutras of Patanjali)